About Us
The Port Fairy Marathon and Community Running Festival is an ecofriendly, all abilities, destination running event held on Sunday February 16, 2025 that includes a marathon, half marathon, 10km, 5km and 1.5km event. Our multi lap marathon is officially AIMs (Association of International Marathons and Distance Races) certified so you can now come to Port Fairy to qualify for all of the worlds iconic marathons.
The Marathon Committee is a group of volunteers from the Port Fairy Consolidated School Parents and Friends and is auspiced by the Port Fairy Tourism Incorporation. The Marathon Committee is working collaboratively with Moyne Shire Council and local sporting clubs to create a successful community event. While the event is primarily designed to promote health and wellbeing as well as bring tourism into the town it is hoped in the future it may also raise funds for Port Fairy Consolidated School.